Weekly News] Battery Industry News Quick View

Aerospace Lithium Closes Nearly $1 Billion in Series A Equity

Recently, Aerospace Lithium successfully completed a round of equity financing of nearly 1 billion RMB. The investors in this round are mainly state-owned industrial funds market-oriented investment institutions, led by Eucalyptus Capital, with the participation of Hailan Capital, Yuanqi Fund, many other institutions, which will provide strong support for the sustainable development of Aerospace Lithium.

After the completion of this round of financing, Aisino LiPo will further focus on the R&D, manufacturing sales of large cylindrical cores, deeply plough into the technological industrial upgrading of the electrification of commercial vehicles in the production scenarios such as heavy-duty trucks construction machinery vehicles, as well as the energy storage industry.

Ningde Times joins hs with the Academy of Aeronautical Sciences
Jointly build the lithium battery safety association

Recently, China Academy of Civil Aviation Science Technology (hereinafter referred to as "CASA") Ningde Times held a signing ceremony of the framework agreement on cooperation of lithium battery safety joint laboratory in Ningde, Fujian. Mr. Li Yu, President Secretary of the Party Committee of CAS, Mr. Zeng Rong, Co-President of Supply Chain Operation System of Ningde Times, attended the ceremony unveiled the plaque for the laboratory; Mr. Zhao Hua, Researcher of Transportation Department of Civil Aviation Fujian Supervisory Bureau, attended the ceremony witnessed the signing of the contract; Mr. Taifeng, Director of Dangerous Goods Transportation Management Center of CAS, Mr. Li Wei, Minister of Test Verification Department of Ningde Times, signed the agreement on behalf of the two parties; Mr. Meng Xiangfeng, Secretary of Party Committee Assistant to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ningde Times, presided over the ceremony Meng Xiangfeng, the first secretary of the Party Committee of Ningde Times assistant to the Chairman of the Board of Directors, presided over the signing ceremony.

Ningde Times supplies lithium iron phosphate batteries to
Stellantis Group for lithium iron phosphate batteries.

On November 21, Stellantis Group Ningde Times New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. announced that they have signed a non-binding Memorum of Understing (MOU), which stipulates that Ningde Times will supply lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery cells modules to Stellantis Group locally in Europe to help Stellantis in the European market's production of electric vehicles. In order to further support Stellantis Group To further support the Stellantis Group's ambitious electrification strategy goals, the two parties are exploring the possibility of establishing a joint venture on a reciprocal basis.

TaiLan New Energy 2GWh
Semi-solid state battery production line started

On November 21st, the second phase of Tai Blue New Energy Project with a total investment of 1 billion yuan officially started construction is expected to reach production in 2025.

The project covers a total area of 76 acres, building area of nearly 50,000 square meters, will build semi-solid lithium battery core production line semi-solid lithium battery PACK production line, the planning capacity of 2GWh, to the production of passenger car power batteries as the main focus, taking into account the use of small power, energy storage other scenarios. It is expected that the annual output value of the project will exceed 2 billion yuan.

The world's third largest power battery company
LG New Energy Changes Comm

On Nov. 22, LG New Energy announced that its board of directors has appointed Kim Dong-myung as its new chief executive officer, with his term to begin next year. In addition, LG New Energy has appointed Choi Seung-don, head of automotive power battery R&D, as vice president of the company.

Kim Dong-myung joined LG Chem's battery research center in 1998, became head of the small battery business in 2017 head of the automotive battery business in 2020, was promoted to president of the division at the end of last year.

In a statement released by LG New Energy, Kim Dong-myung, who has both expertise in the battery field young leadership skills, is the best choice for CEO at a time of heightened market uncertainty more intense competition.

Ningde Times, Chang'an Deep Blue join forces.
Times Chang'an stard electric core rolled off the production line

 On November 24th, Changan Power Battery Co., Ltd, a joint venture between Changan Automobile, Ningde Times Deep Blue Automobile, officially welcomed the launch of the first 87Ah stard electric core product. The first stard battery cell adopts advanced "fast ion ring graphite" "ultra-high-conductivity electrolyte" material technology, with more than 6,800 quality control points embedded in the whole life cycle more than 10,000 items of data traceability, which ensures the reliability of the quality of the battery cell up to the level of DPPB (one part per billion of the single-defect rate), it will be integrated with the 4C fast charging, which can reach 80% from 20% in 10 minutes, the efficiency of replenishment is comparable to that of the fuel vehicle, leading the arrival of the super-charging era. will integrate 4C fast charging.