Training News | April 2024 Training Highlights

April Training Highlights

The March breeze blows down the April flowers.
Blowing in the spring light, the
Spring is in full bloom.
In this human April.
Shenzhen Huike New Material Co.
carried out a series of corporate training
in order to help employees to continuously improve
professional knowledge skills.
Let's take a look at the
April training!


2024 First Quarter Operating Summary Meeting

On April 12, Shenzhen Huike New Materials Co., Ltd. held the 2024 first quarter business summary meeting, aiming to deeply analyze summarize the economic business conditions in the first quarter, provide a solid foundation for the company's high-quality development. The company's supervisors above leaders attended the meeting.

The meeting clearly presented the operation of the company in this quarter through the economic business data of each department in the first quarter. At the same time, it summarized the highlights of the company's development in the new quarter, analyzed the shortcomings, put forward the next improvement measures development goals.


2024 First Quarter Chairman's Address

On April 25th, Shenzhen Huike New Material Co., Ltd. held the first quarter of 2024 chairman's speech learning training.
The meeting was held in a combination of offline online, with Shenzhen local base members attending together.
The meeting reviewed the first quarter operating results, the overall performance of the group increased year-on-year compared with last year. At the same time to analyze the situation problems faced, clear focus on the next stage.


The meeting emphasized the need to improve efficiency enhance competitive advantage in the next stage. We should take the personnel combing rectification as an opportunity to pay attention to human efficiency, promote the flattening of the company's organization efficient management. To vigorously promote the construction of process digitalization, further enhance the ability to create efficiency. To emphasize research development, continue to enhance the ability of scientific technological innovation. To focus on marketing, further enhance core competitiveness improve the industry position.


Company main product knowledge training

In the increasingly competitive market environment, continuous learning progress is the key to maintain our competitiveness.

In order to help you better underst the company its main products, to improve personal professional skills, the Marketing Department held a training session on the knowledge of the company its main products in the morning of April 19th in the front showroom of Shenzhen New Materials.



Through systematic training, employees can have a more in-depth understing of the company's history, culture, development strategy, as well as the characteristics, advantages application scenarios of the main products.

Through a deeper understing of the company its products, employees can more accurately confidently convey the company's core values to the outside world, thus enhancing the company's overall image.


Gold Interviewer Training

On April 28th, Shenzhen Huike New Material Co., Ltd. held a gold medal interviewer training. The training is aimed at clarifying the value of efficient recruitment interviewing to the company, mastering interviewer skills, ing matching, high-quality cidates for the company.

Through a series of learning practice, the training allows employees to master the skills essentials of recruitment, underst the recruitment system the core process, learn how to hold what uation dimensions to assess the cidates. At the same time, through role-playing simulation of real-life interview scenarios, management HR staff will become more familiar with master interviewing techniques in practice.

As a company manager, recruitment is one of the most important tasks. How to choose the right person to get on the bus is especially important. By continuously improving the quality ability of interviewers, it is conducive to ing excellent talents for the company.


How to do 7S management

On April 30th, Shenzhen Huike New Material Co., Ltd. held a training on how to do a good job of 7S management, aiming to improve the efficiency of employees in a good working environment.

Clean tidy, warm comfortable working environment can make employees feel comfortable at work, more sense of achievement satisfaction, but also more conducive to attracting retaining good talent, to avoid brain drain.

"Knowledge is not something complete, pure, rigid. It is always innovating, always moving forward." 
As Prianischnikoff said, in the context of the rapid development of the times, new technologies, new ideas continue to emerge, corporate training is a way for employees to continue to obtain new knowledge, new experience strength, is a stepping stone on the road to common growth of enterprises employees, let us work together to create brilliant!