Warmly celebrate the smooth start of the 200000 ton high-end electronic copper foil project of Taiyuan Huike New Materials

On the morning of March 9, 2023, accompanied by Mr. Shen, Vice President of Huike Group, announcing the commencement of the 200000 ton electronic copper foil project for Taiyuan Huike New Materials! The sound of firecrackers on site resounded through the sky, announcing the smooth commencement of the Taiyuan Huike New Material Annual Production Capacity of 200000 tons of electronic copper foil project.


Speech by Huike New Materials

At the commencement ceremony, Tang Jianming, the general manager of Shenzhen Huike New Materials Co., Ltd., introduced the construction of the 200000 ton electronic copper foil project of Taiyuan Huike New Materials other copper foil production bases. The Taiyuan Huike New Materials Project has a total investment of 9 billion yuan a construction area of approximately 520000 square meters. The planned annual production capacity of the project is 200000 tons of electronic copper foil 200000 tons of copper rods. It is expected to achieve an annual output value of approximately 28 billion yuan after reaching full production capacity. The first phase of the current construction is a 70000 ton electronic copper foil 70000 ton copper rod project. At the same time as the high-speed construction of Taiyuan Huike New Materials Project, Yunnan Huitong Guangxi Huitong have also achieved good results. As the company's first production base, Yunnan Huitong has already reached full production in the first phase, the planned production capacity of 20000 tons in the second phase is about to be put into operation. The first phase of Guangxi Huitong has already put into production with 20000 tons, it is expected to fully reach production in the third quarter of this year. The second phase of Guangxi Huitong with 30000 tons is about to start construction. Jiangyou New Materials is about to start construction with its first 20000 tons. At that time, we will build four major copper foil production bases. In 2024, our company's annual output of electronic copper foil will exceed 100000 tons, occupying a leading position in the electronic copper foil market.


General Manager Tang Jianming expresses sincere gratitude to the relevant departments of the municipal government that have strongly supported assisted the project construction, as well as to all the builders participants who have worked hard on the project construction site. it inspires all builders to continue to carry forward the spirit of being brave in the forefront, daring to take the lead, riding the wind waves at the right time. We should take the commencement ceremony as a new starting point, continue to adhere to the work style of "fast, good, economical", accelerate the construction progress while ensuring quality quantity, ensure that the Taiyuan Huike New Materials Project is completed on schedule or even ahead of schedule. General Manager Tang Jianming stated that the development of the enterprise cannot do without the care support of local party committees governments, as well as the strong assistance of relevant departments. The historical opportunity of leapfrog development open development in Taiyuan City has given Huike a bright future, the excellent investment business environment has added more confidence determination to Huike. Huike will be based deeply rooted in Taiyuan.


Speech by China Railway 18th Bureau

The Party Committee of China Railway 18th Bureau Fourth Engineering Co., Ltd& Nbsp; Mr. Liu Yanbin, Secretary Chairman, delivered a speech as the general contractor: The 200000 ton electronic copper foil project construction general contracting project of Taiyuan Huike New Materials Co., Ltd. is of great significance for accelerating the conversion of new old kinetic energy promoting high-quality development in Shanxi Province Taiyuan City. The Fourth Company of China Railway 18th Bureau has the honor to participate in the construction deeply feels its great responsibility glorious mission.

The Fourth Company of China Railway 18th Bureau solemnly stated that it will implement the following specific contents: 1. Promote the spirit of the Iron Army create an integrity project. 2. Implement safety responsibilities create a safety project. 3. Emphasize engineering quality create high-quality projects. 4. Adhere to civilized construction create green projects. 5. Smooth communication channels create a harmonious project.

The commencement ceremony was presided over by Mr. Yin Weihua, Executive Vice General Manager of Shenzhen Huike New Materials Co., Ltd. The leaders attending the meeting also included Luo Shaohua, General Manager of Longtou Electronic Industry Economic Zone in Shanxi Taixin Integrated Economic Zone, Ding Guoqi, Director of Huike Group Management Center, Liu Jiamin, Deputy General Manager Manager of Housing Management Department of China Railway 18th Bureau Group Fourth Engineering Co., Ltd., Ma Pengzhou, Deputy Chief Economist of China Railway 18th Bureau Group Fourth Engineering Co., Ltd., Wei Xiaohong, Chairman of Yangqu Puhui Science Technology Innovation Valley Base Development Co., Ltd, More than 80 leaders from the investment side, project construction units, cooperative manufacturers, customer guests, representatives of cadres employees from Huike Company attended the commencement ceremony.