2023 Listed Company Performance List

As of April 16, listed companies such as PCB manufacturing, copper cladding boards, copper foil factories, power storage other listed companies have disclosed 2023 financial data one after another.

From the point of view of the financial data of listed companies, the operation development of the upstream downstream of the electronics industry chain is less than expected.

Next together, according to this article, go to see the annual report disclosed by each company!

CCL Listed Companies

Table 1 Revenues of listed CCL companies in 2023

As can be seen from Table 1, among the three copper-clad laminates companies in 2023, the highest operating income is 16.586 billion yuan for SangYi Technology.

Copper Foil Listed Companies

Table 2 Revenue of Listed Copper Foil Companies in 2023

As can be seen from Table 2, only two of the six copper foil companies realized growth in revenue in 2023, Zhongyi Technology increased by 17.96% Jiayuan Technology increased by 7.07%. One of the companies with a growth rate of more than 10% is Zhongyi Technology, the company with the largest decline rate is Chaohua Technology, which is expected to decline by 108.09%-115.89%.

Net profit declined as a whole no growth was realized. After deducting non-recurring gains losses of net profit profit of the company is Zhongyi Technology 5.6959 million yuan.

PCB Listed Companies

Table 3 Revenue of Listed PCB Companies in 2023

As can be seen from Table 3, among the eight PCB companies in 2023, there are four companies that realize growth in revenue, Sihui Fushi grows by 7.85%, Hudian grows by 7.23%, Guanghe Science Technology grows by 11%, Guangdong Eden grows by 3.9%. One of the companies with a growth rate of more than 10% was Guanghe Technology. The company with the highest rate of decline is CK Electronics, which is expected to decline by 152.74%.

Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies to achieve growth in three companies, Hudian shares increased by 11.09%, Guanghe Technology increased by 48%, Guangdong Eaton increased by 32.20%.

After deducting non-recurring gains losses of net profit profit companies are ultrasonic electronics 191 million yuan, Sihui Fushi 190 million yuan, Hudian shares 1.408 billion yuan, Guanghe Technology 435 million yuan, Guangdong Eaton 337 million yuan.

New Energy Battery Listed Companies

Table 4 Revenue of Listed Companies of Energy Storage Battery, 2023

As can be seen from Table 4, in 2023, six energy storage battery companies, revenue growth was achieved by five, BYD growth of 42.04%, Ningde Times growth of 22.01%, China Innovation Hangar growth of 24.81%, Vonergy Technology growth of 42.14%, lithium-ion, all growth rates of 10%. The most declining rate is Ruipu Lanjun.

Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies to achieve growth in four companies, BYD growth of 80.72%, Ningde Times growth of 43.58%, in the new aviation growth of 393.92%, lithium-ion lithium can be expected to grow 15% to 20%.

After deducting non-recurring gains losses of net profit profit companies are BYD 28.462 billion yuan, Ningde era 40.091 billion yuan, billion lithium-ion energy is expected to be 2.560 billion yuan - 2.829 million yuan.