Training |February 2024 Training Collection


Chairman's Cadre Conference

Speech Study Session

February 23rd
Shenzhen Huike New Material Co.
Chairman of the cadres conference speech study meeting.
The meeting aimed to convey study the important speech of the chairman of the board
the spirit of instructions
comprehensively deploy the implementation of relevant work to
find the work direction of 2024.
The meeting was hosted by Mr. Cao, the training director
Mr. Cao, the training supervisor, led all the participants to interpret the chairman's speech
The meeting was chaired by Mr. Cao, the training supervisor, who led all the participants to interpret the chairman's speech.

The chairman's speech followed the times, coordinated the whole situation, inspired people
It has aroused a warm reaction among all cadres employees.
The company will take practical actions in the future work to realize the spirit of the chairman's speech.
practicing the spirit of the chairman's speech.
Take up the role continue the struggle!

SAP operation training

SAP Operation Training


In order to help all colleagues in the business class finance office
become proficient in SAP operation.
On the afternoon of February 26th
Special SAP operation training.

The training was led by Mr. Li from the Finance Department from the
Sales logistics, basic financial operation explanation, basic operation of E-ticket cloud
Three parts to underst the operation process of SAP.
Through this training, it is conducive to all the colleagues of the Finance Department of the Business Division
In the future work more skillful use of the system, twice the result with half the effort.


QCC Basics

QCC basics

In order for employees to better underst QCC
how to effectively implement improvement work.
further enhance the staff's quality consciousness team consciousness, the
QCC Basics” training was held on February 28th.
The training invited Mr. Deng, the performance manager, to give a lecture.



Company Main Product Knowledge

Company  main product knowledge

February 29th afternoon
Our company carried out the company main products knowledge training.
All the staff of Shenzhen office gathered in the showroom
led by Mr. Cao, the supervisor of marketing department.
From the corporate profile, main business, product development,
related product chain industrial layout.
All the staff listened studied together.



Through this training
All employees have a better understing of the company's product process,
corporate culture, etc. have a more in-depth understing.
In the future, we will devote ourselves to the work with fuller enthusiasm.
We will work with more enthusiasm in the future work hard to forge ahead.


Above is the February training collection of Shenzhen Huike New Material Co.
New Year
Our company will continue to care emphasize the personal growth of employees
Efforts to promote various forms of training
We will continue to promote various forms of training to each every grassroots employee
By investing in employee training
Enhance employee performance skills
Creating a sustainable competitive advantage for the company
Create a better future for employees society as a whole
To energize the company's prosperity development