Gathering Efforts to Move Forward Scale New Heights | 2024 New Year's Start Mobilization Meeting

In the evening of February 21st, Shenzhen Huike New Material Co., Ltd. held a new spring mobilization meeting of “Fighting for 2024, Gathering Forward, Climbing the Peak”. The purpose of this meeting is to encourage the morale of all employees to meet the challenges of the new year with a full state of mind. Shen Yong, Vice President of Winkel, Ding Guoqi, Director of Management Center, Cai Kun, Director of Capital Management Department of Finance Center, Tang Jianming, General Manager Yin Weihua, Executive Vice President of Shenzhen Winkel, the rest of the management of the new materials, as well as the senior cadres of the production bases of the new materials, all participated in the meeting.

Battle 2024
Gather your strength climb to the top

Speech by Mr. Tang

General Manager Tang Jianming delivered an enthusiastic speech. He emphasized the significance of the New Year's mobilization meeting said that it was the starting point for the company to move forward to the new year. He encouraged all the staff to meet the challenges create a better future in the new year with more enthusiasm pragmatic attitude.

Mr. Yin's speech

Yin Weihua, the executive vice general manager, pointed out in his speech that in 2024, we will focus on production manufacturing, strive to improve the operation level of bases in five aspects, namely, “raising, lowering, refining, securing, practicing”; all the cadres need to set a good example, improve management efficiency, make every effort to promote the ling of the target tasks in 2024.


Speech by Mr. Shen

Vice President Shen Yong made a speech to mobilize the commencement of work, affirmed the achievements of the company in 2023, thanked all the staff for their concerted efforts hard work.

He emphasized that we should strengthen the digitalization stardization construction; we should accelerate the research development of new products; we should increase the market share share; we should accelerate the output of GDP contribution from the copper rod center; we should accelerate the capacity of Taiyuan factory to climb the slope; we should be firm in our confidence determination, grasp the opportunities challenges, overcome the difficulties, work hard to promote the high-quality development of Shenzhen Winkel New Materials Co.

Battle 2024

Speech by Mr. Xiao

General Manager of Marketing, Mr. Xiao Wenhai, summarized the sales work in 2023 put forward the sales work target in 2024. The marketing team, with the determination to achieve the mission, will do their best to accomplish the revenue target in 2024!


Statements by representatives of bases

Afterwards, Mr. Liu Jiyang, Mr. Jiang Jianguo Mr. Zou Dihua spoke on behalf of the production bases, stating that they would bear in mind the mission make every effort to complete the work objectives in 2024!

Statements by representatives of departments

      Finally, the heads of functional departments spoke one after another, in the speeches of the leaders, not only felt the firm confidence high morale of the company's development, but also clear the direction goals of the work in the new year. Let us in the new year, not forgetting the original intention, forge ahead, jointly write a new chapter of the company's development!


This new spring start mobilization meeting is a stimulating meeting. Through this conference, all the staffs are more clear about the work objectives tasks in the new year, also more determined to achieve better results in the new year.

We believe that under the correct leadership of the company's leaders the joint efforts of all staff, Shenzhen Huike New Materials Co.