Shenzhen Huike New Materials Co., LTD. Internal trainer training perfect end!
The 25th of July

Shenzhen Huike new material Co., LTD
"Internal Lecturer Training Project" was successfully held in Beihai Base.

Our company each subsidiary companies apply for internal lecturers

Participated in this training.

Training preparation

Enterprise internal trainer in the enterprise internal capability development
curing both play a crucial role,
It also plays an indispensable role in building learning organizations.
In order to fully implement the company's development strategy,
Improve the quality of staff education training,
Division I unified organization recruitment, screening, training
A series of related activities such as in-house lecturers,
To further strengthen the integration diffusion of internal capabilities.

Start of training

The event was organized by training manager Ye Yuexia
Group management center Lei Longfei two teachers guidance,
To help students underst the responsibilities of internal trainers,
enhance curriculum development
on-site teaching ability,

Two teachers led the way,
Show each student the on-site training skills,
The ideas of course development the creation of self-teaching style.
At the same time, enthusiastic to help students sort out training
The key link of the whole process operation,
Underst the value of training to corporate strategy from a new perspective.

Training process

This activity focuses on the "compilation", "guidance" "performance" of the lecturer.
The three roles conduct on-site practical operation training.
Under the guidance of two teachers, the students took turns,
The trainees' training content is rigorously structured,
The explanation is clear vivid,
Both theoretical generalizations case studies,
The whole training was very active lively.

Each group of passionate discussions
Every moment of inspiration
Careful adequate preparation every time
Behind every silent pay
Is increasing the confidence of everyone on the stage

Training result

Through presentations by the students,
Two teachers from courseware making, teaching ability
professional ability of all aspects of detailed comments,
put forward suggestions suggestions for improvement.

Throughout the training,
Two teachers imparted knowledge in a light-hearted setting,
Students receive, underst digest knowledge in a relaxed enjoyable environment.
Always feel the spark of thought between teachers students.
At the end of the event,
Each student was commended rewarded.


This training has further improved the participants,
Theoretical knowledge practical ability,
Set up an internal lecturer team,
Contribute to the development of enterprise talents.